Tuesday, June 13, 2017

St. John's - Ready for a Travel Break

We had a great day today. Somewhere around 550 km from Springdale to St. John's. Temperature was about 11C most of the day - so a little cool - but I am getting used to it. I have to admit - I am looking forward to my long johns - which Kim will arrive with tomorrow! That is the exciting news - a few days off in St John's - Kim arrives tomorrow - and we will spend a couple of days looking around town and the local area! Lots to see -we will finalize a list tomorrow - send any suggestions you have!

Our 1st stop today was at the Gander Aviation Museum. Lots of fun - a good visit. Laurence and I both recommend it.

Our next stop was Terra Nova National Park. Again - a really pretty place - we made two stops.

First, we stopped at the visitor's centre.We saw some whale skeletons and a great view.

Notice the balen included with this skeleton.

Then - we went up to the top of Blue Hill - wow - what a view - worth the trip

Then - we got back on our horses  and headed for St.John's. Gosh - I think we could have spent a week running up all the arms and around all of the bays. I wish we had had the time - but - when you want to see the whole country you need to make decisions - and we trimmed this part.

So, we got to St. John's and checked in to the Extended Stay Canada - St. John's. Great rooms, great location - this looks like a good choice. Then, off we went for a walk around the harbour.

First - I smoke the Cuban Trinidad that Mike and Marg gave me as a retirement present. Per Mike's request - I saved it for an Ocean - and here we are! Thanks to Mike & Marg for a great smoke! Yummy!


Then, off for a nice dinner at the  St. John’s Fish Exchange - fantastic food - I know we will be back. The Newfoundland leg has had a lot of good food - but this was especially good - plus - service was awesome and the restaurant is really well designed and decorated. If you get to St. John's - and you really should - great place to eat!

So - tomorrow morning - will put the bike in for scheduled service and do some planning, Then, pick up Kim at the airport - and off we go for a few days of R&R in St. John's & environs.

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