Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Day Transecting Part of the Canadian Shield to Lake Superior

No rain - and fairly warm all day! Had a great trip from Kirkland lake to Wawa.

Up 11 a short way, and then spent the day on 101. I left Timmins with 3 /4 of a tank of gas - and was getting a bit nervous when I got to Foleyet and got gas. This is for sure the big empty. Very pretty - but this part of the Canadian Shield is all about bush and small creeks. And a surprising amount of straight line riding.

As you head north on 11 - just past Sesekinika Lake - you pass in to the Arctic watershed. Cool!

Not long after that at Matheson - I saw a "historic plaque ahead" for "The Great FIre of 1916". Did not find the plaque - but thanks to the miracle of the internet - I now know the facts. See - the internet IS good for stuff besides cat pictures and porn :-)

I should have taken better note of when I crossed back into the Atlantic watershed - I think it was sometime not long after my gas salvation at  Foleyet.

This was taken just south on Nemegosenda Lake. I just wanted to show the straight road, rolling small hills and bush. I liked it - but I admit - not that photogenic.

Also - lots of Glacier erratics. Cool. BTW  - I stand to be corrected by the "dirt people" - if these are not actually erratics - the rock type looked different to me! BTW - I have no idea why the video is sideways - nor do I have software handy to fix it.

Also as you get close to Wawa - you get into these large hills. Here is a shot taken at Kinniwabi Creek as it crosses Hw 101

Made it to Wawa! See the goose?

So - I stopped and asked where  I could see Lake Superior - it turned out the fog was heavy -so did not bother to even publish the picture from the lookout. But - Silver falls made it worth the drive.

 And - I got down to the shore - and it is still foggy - but hey - "she do what she do".

Back in to town,and checked in to the Bristol Motel - which is nice and close to both the Beer Store and a restaurant called The Viking Restaurant. The motel is just fine. The fresh trout filet with a salad bar and french fries was fantastic - if you are in Wawa- this is the place.

So - tomorrow I head for Thunder Bay. Looking forward to some good views of Lake Superior. Also, Laurence got away from Kingston this morning - and made it to Sudbury. With any luck, he will meet me in Thunder Bay tomorrow night - and we will maybe taste that good bottle of whisky which is in the back of his car!

Cheers - until tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Your doing it right! It's not a proper trip north of Superior without a a picture with the Wawa Goose!
