Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Sunny Day Touring Around the North End of the Great Northern Peninsula

To quote Wikipedia, the Great Northern Peninsula is "is the largest and longest peninsula of Newfoundland, Canada, approximately 225 km long and 80 km wide at its widest point and encompassing an area of 17,483 km²". To quote me - it is incredible beautiful - especially in the sunshine. What a pretty day we had.  Have a look at this for more info @ the Great Northern Peninsula. After a great breakfast (I had fish cakes and eggs - Laurence went with a more conventional ham steak with his eggs) - off we went.

I used my DLSR today - so better pictures - BUT - no GPS - so locations are not as accurate as with the cell phone pictures. But - close enough. First,  back to L'anse Aux Meadow to do the hiking trails.

Some nice views on the way up

Then - off to walk the trail out to Skin Pond - and back by the ocean

 Really interesting ecosystem

Reindeer moss

At Skin Pond

Down to the ocean

Mugging for the camera

Still walking along the ocean

Following that, we drove over to Ship Cove for a look. We saw a bunch of moose today.I got a couple of pictures.

Near Ship Cove

 Back in St Anthony and headed for the East Road

I think this is out to Goose Cove

The hiking trail at Goose Cove

More interesting plan life. Anybody got a clue what this is?

Still in Goose Cove I think

Next, back up to LighKeeper Cafe for a great lunch, followed by a walk around that point, which is either Fishing Point, or Fox Point, depending on which sign you read.  I think things are a bit out of order because these are from the cell phone with a different time stamp than the DSLR

So, we are back in the room relaxing a bit before we head out for the "Viking Feast". Now that I have finished this blog update, I think I may go sit outside - and have a cigar!

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