Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Nova Scotia Legislature and then More Nova Scotia - In the Sun!

Got up to the classic weather for this trip - it was 7 C and cloudy. Off I went to downtown to see the legislature.

And - just for a change of pace - no church pictures - instead a picture of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia. I bet I could have spent the day in there.  But - will have to leave that for some other time!

Then - off  I went for some more riding. I loved Hw 7 so much - and I wanted to end the day at Antigonish - so back up 7 with a loop up 316 and 16  just to make things interesting! I really like the river view at Sherbrook - so another picture.

Did anybody know that Prince Alfred visited Nova Scotia is 1861?

Or - had anybody heard of the claim that Prince Henry explored North America in 1398? Sounds like lots of debate on the validity of that one. Fake News!  ;-/

If I had stopped to take a picture of every piece of pretty coast line - I would still be on the road. But - I did really like Isaacs Harbour.

The entire ride was really great. From noon on - blue sky and double digit temperatures - for awhile it got up to 16 C - loved it.

From a touring point of view - a great route selection. I really like number 7 and was glad I did it a second time. As far as 316 and 16  - also fantastic choices. I highly recommend them. BUT - they do seem to be pretty relaxed about warning you when the road is torn up. Twice I came to a place where the pavement had been torn up for a 3 meter strech - the road bed drops 5 cm - and you are in gravel. On a bike - you do not want to hit that at the speed limit (80 kph - so you figure it out - doing about 84 I guess). The 1st one - I got to test the bike's ABS - and my personal sphincter control.  So - yes - take this route - and keep the pace to brisk touring - not lively sprint.

Checked in to the Claymore Inn and Suites in Antigonish, laundry is in the coin laundry, 1st beer has been drunk, daily blog entry has been written, about to open my 2nd beer, and expecting Laurance to arrive for rendezvous in about a hour. Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog. Very jeaous - wish I could be there. Instead, I get to process digital cheques :) Happy retirement. Be safe.
