Saturday, June 3, 2017

A Great Ride to Fredericton

I seemed a little disorganize this morning - but still got away in reasonable time - and headed downtown to see the Quebec Legislature - which is called the Quebec National  Assembly.

Then - on to the slab to get across the river and a few miles east on Hw 20. My first good decision of the day - jump off the slab at Levis - and go down to the river. Just fantastic - so much pretty stuff to see - highly recommend Hw 132.

If I had stopped for all the pictures that wanted to be taken - I would still be on the road. I drove this years ago when we went to Gaspe. I remember it being pouring rain - and did not realize how pretty it was.

I hopped back onto Hw 20 to get to 289 - went south on that. My second great decision of the day. This road and the road in New Brunswick which is called 120 - was just fantastic - hills, rivers, curves, forest,  churches - some protestant, some catholic - just a great ride.

So, about the time I got to Edmunston - it started to rain for real. So far on this trip - a few showers each day - but this time the showers turned into hard steady rain. SO - I hopped off the highway, pulled on all the rain gear,and then jumped on to HW 2 - and headed for Fredericton. The rain gear all worked well.

I had booked a hotel this morning - the Prospect Inn. It worked out perfect! A good price, plus a good old fashioned small town restaurant with cold beer, and a great ribeye steak with all the fixings.  Plus - very friendly staff to made it a great stay. Two Thumbs way up!

So - off to see the Legislature in Fredericton in the morning- then - off to PEI - the only province in Canada I have not been to before!

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