Saturday, August 5, 2017

Vancouver Airport Day

We had a nice laid back morning, and then ran out to the airport to pick up Lynn & Kim. We hung around a Tim's for an hour - and then picked up Cam. Then - Costco Hell at the Costco in Richmond.

For sins committed in a previous life (since as we all know, I have been consistently virtuous in this life), the Garmin made the trip in and out of Costco also somewhat hellish. I would have to say that I have a love-hate relationship with the Garmin - it makes finding some things really easy - and other times - it just makes you want to kick the living heck out of it. Some of you will know Mike Ross (from RBC, not from high school) - he always called it the "Garmin Bobb" when Ken, John, and I were riding with him - and the Garmin's would start to tell us stupid things - heads would start going up anddown looking at the road and the strange directions given by the Garmin. Grr. Other times - it works great.

I will leave it to those with a theological bent to decide which Circle of Hell contains confusing Garmin directions in an unknown city with lots of traffic and experimental driving going on - and which one corresponds to  orchestrating the movement of five (five!) people through a dense crowd of semi-rabid Costco shoppers. Oh - and since I  was on the bike - I was wearing denim shitand jeans and boots- and it wasabout 30°C - yikes.

Anyways - we got that done - and checked in to the AirBnB - and cooked a nice dinner for the crowd!

Then off to see Rachel where she works - because she could not join us for dinner - Ice Cream in Little Italy on Commercial Drive.

A cenotaph on Commercial Drive

Street Views

And that is it for today. Look for more hanging around Vancouver stuff for the next week - then back on the road.

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